Refund Policy

30-Day Money-back Guarantee for Dedicated Servers and Cloud Servers (Pre-paid Subscription Services)

All monthly or annual pre-paid subscription fees for Dedicated Servers and Cloud Servers, will be refunded, if they are canceled within 30 days of when service is delivered. All refund requests must be made by submitting a support ticket, as refund processing is not automatic. Refunds will only be made to the original payment method. If the original payment method is not available at the time of processing, the refund will be provided as an account credit. An account credit cannot be converted to cash or transferred to any other payment method.

The 30-Day Money Back Guarantee applies only to pre-paid subscriptions for Dedicated Servers and Cloud Servers and does not include service installation or set-up fees. The 30-Day Money Back Guarantee does not apply to add-on services, software licenses or other additional services.
